IBOS is a knowledge- and rehabilitationcentre in the field of vision impairment.
About IBOS
IBOS have 150 years of experience in Denmark working with people with visual impairment and blindness.
The Danish Institute for Visual Impairment (IBOS) services young and adult persons with a visual impairment, their relatives and professionals in Denmark with a staff of approxiamately 130. Being the national rehabilitation and information center, IBOS offers free assessment and counselling plus tariff based rehabilitation and specialized education. Trough national and international network and project cooperation we gather, develop and share new knowledge in relation to vision. IBOS is administratively a part of the Copenhagen Municipality. We are dedicated to contributing to a world with equal access to community, education, jobs and a good life.
Knowledge and research centre
One of IBOS main goals is to collect and share knowledge about vision impairment.
The head of the institute is Marie Fasmer. IBOS is divided into four departments:
- Department of Staff (Staff).
Head of the Institute, Marie Fasmer, e-mail: Write to Marie Fasmer - Department of Counselling (Rådgivningen).
Head of the Department, Kenneth Hartmann, e-mail: Write to Kenneth Hartmann - Department of living, learning and socialising (Bo, Læring & Samvær).
Head of the department, Anna Öberg, e-mail: Write to Anna Øberg - Department of Administration (Administrationen).
Head of the department, Silas Balder Erichsen, e-mail: Write to Silas Balder Erichsen
Contact Info
Address and phone number
The Danish Institute for Visual Impairment
Rymarksvej 1
2900 Hellerup
DK, Denmark
Phone.: (+45) 39 45 25 45
E-mail: Write to IBOS
Social workers
Daily telephone hours from 12.00 to 14.00.
Opening hours
The reception
Mon – Thu 9.00-15.00
Friday 9.00-13.00
The main entrance Closes at 16.30 on Monday-Thursday and at 13.00 on Friday.
After hours
Ring the doorbell at “Bo-Afdelingen” (Department of Residence).
Practical information
64942212 (City of Copenhagen/ Københavns Kommunes)
Selected offers and information
The Exhibition of Assistive Aids

If you have a question, want advice and/or counseling about assistive aids please contact IBOS’ exhibition of assistive aids . We offer counseling for citizens who are blind or partially sighted, as well as for consultants, case workers, relatives, students, and employees in the health care sector and it is free of charge.
Make appointment by phone.: (+45) 39 45 24 24 or
e-mail: Write to exhibition of assistive Aids.
IBOS’ Emergency Service

The emergency service, provides emergency support to citizens with sudden visual impairment. Relatives and staff at the hospital can also get counseling if needed.
The service consists of a psychologist and a social worker.
Our emergency service can be contacted at mobile number (+45) 28 49 01 69, or (+45) 39 45 25 45
Collaborations & Networks

IBOS are represented in several national, nordic and international networks and collaborations. If interested in working together please contact us.
See all our networks & collaborations
IBOS’ Music XML Reader

All English speaking citizens can use IBOS’ software program, which can show the notes of musical pieces on a braille display and read them out as text. This means that blind musicians can acquire music notes on the same terms as sighted people and it is free of charge!
Department Of Residence

IBOS have a department of residens, that offers temporary or permanent stay. This gives you the possibility to stay at IBOS, if you live far away. You can stay a couple of nights, if you participate in a course that lasts for more than a single day you can stay for a number of weeks or months. You can also have a permanent residence at IBOS, if you need support and not are able to live on your own and take care of your everyday living, or are working at IBOS’ workshop.
Centrally Located and Peaceful
IBOS is located close to Copenhagen, and close to Hellerup Station.
The IBOS’ buildings are sheltered by large trees, and are a neighbour to Mindelunden, which is a memorial park for the Danish victims of the German occupation of Denmark during World War II.
At IBOS you will find green areas with lawns, fruit trees, berries, bushes, and flowers. There are a rich bird life both summer and winter, and squirrels scurry up and down of tree trunks.
In the spring garden furniture are placed at the outdoor areas at IBOS, so both participants, residents and staff can enjoy the sun or their lunch in the open air.
Well Arranged Rooms
The IBOS Department of Residence (Bo-Afdeling) has rooms for more than 30 persons – 22 rooms for visitors, and 8 flats for residents. All rooms and flats are well arranged, so it is easy to orientate for VIPs.
In addition to that, everybody can use the living room, 2 kitchens, laundry, and a workout room. All meals are normally consumed at the IBOS’ canteen.
Like-minded and Qualified Staff
The Department of Residence is staffed 24 hours a day by educated staff with special educational knowledge at the low-vision area, and within the autism- and ADHD-complex of problems. At any time, the staff can, in addition to this, draw on the expertise of other parts of the IBOS organization, for instance psychologist, and neuropsychologist, sexual adviser, psychiatric consultant etc. and the PAS, AMPS- and RETT-tests.
The staff ensures a good environment with the best settings for social well-being.
This means that every new resident has plenty of opportunities to meet with other peers with a vision impairment and establish new contacts and friendships.
At the Department of Residence the resident can train vision compensating skills in a safe environment. For instance daily living training, such as cleaning, laundering, changing bed clothes, cooking, reading mail or O&M (Orientation and Mobility) like shopping, go to the postal office, or to find a bus stop and take the right bus.
In short term: All the skills you need in order to take care of yourself and live by yourself in your own home.
It always begins from the individual residents’ needs for support and help, and plans of actions are worked out, so the residents get the exact help that is needed.
The staff support and motivate each resident to gain an increased quality of life at a daily basis for instance by leisure-time activities like sport, e.g. swimming or using IBOS’ fitness room, or to play music.
Train to live by yourself
Test flat
IBOS has a test flats, where citizens can try to live alone, and thereby find out what kind of support and visual compensating aids they will need when they are going to choose their own home someday in the future. And there is the opportunity to draw on staff around the clock.
Living association
Maybe you want to live with others. Slusen is a housing association where you have the opportunity to train ADL skills, live and develop together with others with visual impairments, while at the same time you have the opportunity to receive support around the clock.
Dorm community
Maybe you are young and want a shorter rehabilitation training course (6-12 months) to get ready to move from home to an independent form of housing. Then the dormitory community Springbrættet, which is part of the IBOS Youth Course, could be something for you.

Anna Grabowski Öberg
Head of department of residence
Write to Anna
39 45 23 33 / 27 52 42 70